
Efren Reyes vs Evgeny Stalev One Pocket at Hard Times in Bellflower, CA 2012

Hello my friend,

Here is part of a recent one pocket game I filmed at Hard Times in Bellflower, CA.

Efren Reyes playing one pocket vs “The Russian” Evgeny Stalev at Hard Times Billiards in Bellflower, CA. the day after the Swanee 2012.  Learn some cool one pocket moves in this ten minute clip of Efren Reyes and The Russian.  Cue ball control and strategy is the name of the game in one pocket, and Efren is considered the best of all time at the game, with four consecutive Derby City Classic One Pocket titles to back it up…

Hope you enjoyed it,

Max Eberle

PS:  When you are ready to take your game into the stratosphere, I have the perfect program to solidify your foundation.